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No Contract. Same Day Service.
Proudly providing the best electricity rates to the following cities in Montgomery County, Texas: Conroe, Cut and Shoot, Magnolia, Montgomery, Oak Ridge North, Panorama Village, Patton Village, Pinehurst, Porter Heights, Roman Forest, Shenandoah, Southeast Montgomery, Splendora, Stagecoach, The Woodlands, Willis, Woodbranch, Woodloch.
Compare rates and find the best electricity rates in your zip code: 77301, 77302, 77303, 77304, 77306, 77316, 77318, 77354, 77355, 77356, 77357, 77362, 77365, 77372, 77378, 77380, 77381, 77382, 77384, 77385, 77389.
* 2,000 kWh Price Displayed. Save 20% off our standard rates with the Flex Pay discount by enrolling in Auto Pay. Rates and offers subject to change without notice.